Tuesday, September 13, 2011

9-13-11 Writing a Story

10 Steps to Writing a Story – Broadcast Journalism
1. Find a Topic
- Sports
- Theatre
- Know your audience
- News worthy
2. Find an Angle
- Determines questions
- Focus's on topic
- Angle can change
3. Collect Data
- Names
- Location
- Times/Schedules
4. Conduct the Interview
- 3 Experts (coaches, players, fans, teachers, etc.)
- 3 Questions
- Ask open ended questions
- Sound Bite: a piece of audio that can stand on its own.
5. Shoot your reporter
-  Standup: the one time that the reporter appears on camera.(In the middle)
- Stand ups should be (IN THE MIDDLE) of the interview.
6. Organize your Sound Bites.
- you can choose the order you want
- you can choose which ones you want to use.
7. Write Segues/Transitions in your story.
- Between each sound bite.
8. Write the in and outs of your story.
- Communication between anchors and reporters.
- Anchors write scripts, reporters write in and out.
9. Collect B-roll to add to your story (throughout steps 4-9)
- All the video footage you can use in your story.
- Natural sounds
- Variety of shots.

*Steps 4-8 in your story are called theA-roll
*all the audio in the story.

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